Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Well Saarang the IIT(Madras) fest , perfect hangout for young guys and gals....... This year I got a chance to visit SAARANG,2008 with my friends ands thats for free. It was a good luck for me that I got to see such a wonderful thing due to a frnd studying there....."Good Luck" because it was the bad luck of my frnd that he couldn't attend due to his personal reasons and so I could go in his place. There was so much craze to see Lucky Ali's performance and also two rock bands 'Firebrands' and a Delhi based band 'Prestorika'. It was good I loved it.....specially the crowd. I thought Chennai lacks good chicks...but from that day I had to change my opinion. Besides the shows there were exhibitions which exhibited handicrafts, designer wear based on rural culture of India, pottery and different handworks. In another place I found people doing 'rangoli' with different coloured powders I also tried my hand in it. The purpose of it was to pull the people together and have a feeling of togetherness and integrity. Thats the theme. We friends walked around the campus and praised its beauty, its cleanliness, its vastness. A person doen't need to go out of the campus ....u can get everything inside. Slowly it became dark and we were getting excited to go in and see the show. Nyways I'm not a fan of Lucky Ali ya like some of his nos. But the ambience of the place excited me. At 7:30 the show started. He sang his popular nos. like "Ek pal ka jeena..." , "Na tum jano na hum..." , songs in SUR, etc.During the show every body put there mobile's display screen on and waved there hand ........ It seemed thousands of stars flowing in the sky. It was awesome.

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